Monday, September 14, 2009

Oppo BDP-83

Blu-Ray/DVD/DVD-A/SACD/CD Player

This universal disc player can play anything you throw at it including DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD. For the rare audiophile who appreciates high definition audio this player is sweet. Even though DVD-A and SACD never really became wildly popular it would be worth it to purchase this deck, in my opinion, if only to listen to "Dark Side of the Moon" or "Kind of Blue". Plus it has all the other play back capabilities. The cost is about 500 bucks. It is worth noting that the loading times are very fast. Most blu-ray players out there are extremely slow. Do your homework and find a fast one if you plan on using it frequently and switching between disc's. It's a small consideration but can be frustrating. In case you aren't familiar with high resolution audio here are some stereo formats to listen to. Basically they support a larger frequency spectrum and greater dynamic level which allows for more sonic detail. The opposite of an MP3.

CD: 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
DVD-A: 24 bit / 192 kHz
SACD: 1-bit DSD / 2822.4 kHz

Check it out: Oppo BDP-83

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